Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Strange feelings

I said I won’t fall in love again
I told my heart to flee from any form of pain

Why do I feel this way about you?
I hope this is not me becoming a fool

The thought of being with you
Just feels so good

Don’t know if I should continue putting my head to work
Or I should just let my heart go, against the risk of hitting a rock

It’s been long since I had this kind of thought
And that’s why this bothers me a lot

Maybe feeling this way is right
Maybe I’m just uptight

Looks like you're here for real
Not just to steal

I don't want to let my emotions show
That, i hope you don't know

I just want to be sure you're not like the rest
Because I know I deserve nothing but the best

I know what to do about the situation
But something is still holding me back from making my decision

I think I'll just wait and see how it goes
I'm just gonna go with the flow

Maybe this will end somewhere...good or bad
Maybe it will end nowhere.